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Peer Reviewed Publications

Skaggs, Rachel. 2024. “Kaleidoscopic Failure: The Regularity, Repetition, and Patterning of Failure in the Arts.” Sociologica 17(3).


Novak-Leonard, Jennifer and Rachel Skaggs. 2023. “U.S. Public Perceptions of Artists during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” International Journal of Cultural Policy.


Skaggs, Rachel. 2023. “Socially Distanced Artistic Careers: Professional Social Interactions in Early,

Established, and Late Career Stages during COVID-19.” Poetics. 


Skaggs, Rachel and Tania Aparicio. 2023. “Workers and Work in the Arts: Definitional Challenges and

Approaches to Collective Action among Arts and Creative Workers.” Work and Occupations.


Skaggs, Rachel. 2022. "Trend Accommodation in Heteronomous Fields: How Established Artists Respond to Changing Conventions. Poetics.


Novak-Leonard, Jennifer L., Rachel Skaggs, and Megan Robinson. 2022. "Innovative and Artistic: Conceptions of Creativity among the American Public." Poetics


Novak-Leonard, Jennifer L. and Rachel Skaggs. 2021. "American Perspectives on Public Funding for Artists." Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society


Skaggs, Rachel. 2020. "A Networked Infrastructure of Cultural Equity? Social Identities in the Missions of Local Arts Agencies." Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society 50(6): 319-334.


Skaggs, Rachel. 2019. "Harmonizing Small-Group Cohesion and Status in Creative Collaborations: How Songwriters Facilitate and Manipulate the Cowriting Process." Social Psychology Quarterly 82(4): 367-385.


Skaggs, Rachel. 2019. “Socializing Rejection and Failure in Artistic Occupational

Communities.” Work and Occupations 46(2): 149-175.


Miller, Angie L., Rachel Skaggs, and Amber D. Dumford. 2018. “Characteristics and

Contributions of Arts Organization Founders.” Business Creativity and the Creative Economy 4: 63-75.


Novak-Leonard, Jennifer and Rachel Skaggs 2017. “Public Perceptions of Artists: A Sign of Changing

Times?” Artivate: A Journal of Entrepreneurship in the Arts 6(2):5-22.


David J. Hess, Quan D. Mai*, Rachel Skaggs*, and Magdalena Subidjo*. 2017. “Local Matters:

Geographical Scale and Support for Green Jobs and Green Economic Development.” Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.

*Shared second authorship, listed alphabetically to represent equal contributions.


Selected Arts Policy Publications 

Skaggs, Rachel, Jennifer Novak-Leonard, and Jeff Barbee*. 2024. “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Arts and Design Alumni.” Strategic National Arts Alumni Project Report. Austin, TX: Arts + Design Alumni Research, SNAAP.


Novak-Leonard, Jennifer L., Deanna Ibrahim, Lee Ann Scotto Adams, Angie L. Miller, Rachel Skaggs, and Shanita Bigelow. 2023. “2022 SNAAP Technical Report”, Strategic National Arts Alumni Project Report. Austin, TX: Arts + Design Alumni Research, SNAAP.


Skaggs, Rachel and Amanda Tobin-Ripley*. 2023. “Columbus Ohio’s Arts Ecosystem.” The Ohio State University Office of Academic Affairs.


Skaggs, Rachel, Erin J. Hoppe, and Molly Jo Burke. 2021. "How COVID-19 Has Affected the Needed Skills of Arts Graduates. SNAAP DataBrief 9:2


Skaggs, Rachel, Molly Jo Burke, and Erin J. Hoppe. 2021. "How COVID-19 Has Affected the Needed Resources of Arts Graduates. SNAAP DataBrief 9:1


Skaggs, Rachel, Alexandre Frenette, Sally Gaskill, and Angie Miller. 2017. “Artists in Their

Communities: SNAAP Annual Report”, Bloomington, IN: Center for Postsecondary Research, Indiana University, School of Education.


Skaggs, Rachel, Alexandre Frenette, Sally Gaskill, and Angie Miller. 2017. “Career Skills and

Entrepreneurship Training for Artists: Results of the 2015 SNAAP Survey Module” (SNAAP Special Report), Bloomington, IN: Center for Postsecondary Research, Indiana University, School of Education.


Cornfield, Daniel B., Rachel Skaggs, Elizabeth Barna, Megan Jordan, and Megan Robinson. 2018.
“Equity and Engagement in the Arts: Regional Differences in the Missions of Local Arts Agencies in the United States.” Policy Report of the Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy.


Contributions to Books

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Skaggs, Rachel and Ethan Gibbons. Forthcoming 2023. “The Social Geography of Collaboration among Craft Breweries in Asheville, NC.” in Beer Places: The Micro-Geographies of Craft Beer edited by Daina Harvey, Ellis Jones, and Nate Thompson, University of Arkansas Press Food and Foodways Series.


Skaggs, Rachel. Forthcoming 2022. “How 360Ëš Deals Homogenized Country Music” in Whose Country Music? Genre, Identity, and Belonging in 21st Century Country Music Culture edited by Jada Watson and Paula Bishop, Cambridge University Press.


Skaggs, Rachel, Erin J. Hoppe*, and Molly Jo Burke*.  Forthcoming 2022. “Changing Spaces and Places of Arts-Based Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” in Remaking Culture and Music Spaces: Affects, Infrastructures, Futures, edited by Ian Woodward, Jo Haynes, Pauwke Berkers, Aileen Dillane, Karolina Golemo, Routledge.


Skaggs, Rachel. 2021. "The Local 257 AFM" and "Nashville Songwriters Association International." in I'll Take You There: Exploring Nashville's Social Justice Sites. Edited by Amie Thurber and Learotha Williams Jr. Vanderbilt University Press.


Skaggs, Rachel and Jonathan R. Wynn. 2017. “The Business of Music: Community Development.”

Understanding Society through Popular Music, 3rd edition, edited by Joseph A. Kotarba. Routledge.



Song, Lijun, Rachel Skaggs, and Cleothia Frasier. 2017. "Educational Homogamy." Handbook on the

Family and Marriage in China, edited by Xiaowei Zang. Elgar.



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